Mica Moca | Summer 2011 | an explosion of possibilities

  • METALOGUES & no time to lose

    METALOGUES & no time to lose

    METALOGUES, Steps Through a Thought System Production by No Fourth Wall What is an instinct? Why do things have outlines? Why do they get into a muddle?… Take a stroll through a mind and discover how we haven’t found a single answer. This is the story of a communication failure between actors, actors and spectators……

  • Kennst du meine Nächte & Improsession

    Kennst du meine Nächte & Improsession

    Kennst du meine Nächte Konzert (Musik und Text) Lieder von Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Mahler und Strauss Besetzung: Giorgi Gvantseladze, Oboe | Tjadina Würdinger, Oboe | Helen Collyer, Piano | Leander Modersohn, Stimme Improsession Butoh Dance Cello: Hugues Vincent | Dance: Imre Thormann http://bodytaster.com/phpwcms_new/index.php?280711-berlin

  • Berlin greets San Francisco

    Berlin greets San Francisco

    A bunch of San Franciscan young choreographers/dance makers/activists/queer folks involved with the body, are coming to town. AADK invites them to an evening of “playing” at improvisation, with its own collective members and invited guests. We are all young and gifted. We are fit for the revolution. Performers: Jochen Arbeit | Vania Rovisco & more…

  • Aleph Art Projek

    Aleph Art Projek

    Aleph Art Projekt presents: DAdA-NETnet. The child is born and is growing up learning social behavior from his family and becomes member of society. But does it all make sense? Dada-NetNet is about absurdity , it’s promoting expression in it’s pure form, with it’s crazy music art machines, bizarre eclectic characters, make and break songs…

  • Physical Meeting

    Physical Meeting

    Physical Meeting Ming P | Minako Seki | Gonzales Catalinas Three experts in butoh and contemporary dance meet for the first time in physical performance www.minakoseki.com/ Mica Moca supports FLOHMARKT : KEIN DURST http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=250026371675505

  • Alarum


    Mica Moca is excited to announce >, a two-night festival of short performance from Cambridge. Formed from fragments, miniatures, poetry, corpses, objects, translations, music and other instabilities, > will present live work from Cambridge and London, perhaps in the political or hilarious pursuit of something like undermined theatres. For the first time outside the UK,…

  • Verstilling #3 & Z W E I D R E I Z W E I

    Verstilling #3 & Z W E I D R E I Z W E I

    Verstilling #3 In Verstilling wird das temporäre Ereignis des „Stillstandes“ in der heutigen, beschleunigten Welt (wie z.B. der Flugstopp, der durch die isländische Vulkan-Asche ausgelöst wurde) von seiner Flüchtigkeit befreit, und als ein Zustand begriffen. Die Künstler erzeugen diesen auf metaphorische und subtile Weise mit den Mitteln von Bild und Klang. Was entsteht, ist eine…

  • Metropolis


    Metropolis by Fritz Lang Metropolis, Fritz Lang 1927 The start of a weekly Nomad cinema film series, screened inside in the Cattedrale. Using a GDR Tk 35 Doppel anlage projector with 2 mono speakers (35 mm film projector for those not in the know!) Es war ein sensationeller Fund: 2008 tauchte in Buenos Aires eine…

  • ‘RITE’


    ‘RITE’ ist eine Performance des EMW Orchesters ausgehend von Igor Stravinskys ‘Le Sacre du Printemps’ und zeitgenössischen Animés, wie ‘Dimension Bomb’. Sie wurde im Rahmen des Projektseminars ‘EMW Orchester: Musik, Tanz und das digitale Bewegtbild’ des Studienganges Europäische Medienwissenschaft, Uni/FH Potsdam, konzipiert und bildet seine Abschlusspräsentation. Mit einem Musikwissenschaftler und einer Videokünstlerin als Lehrende an…

  • Tagtool


    The Tagtool is a performative visual instrument used on stage and on the street as a VJ tool, a creative video game or an intuitive way of creating painting and animation. On 16 July a lot of tagtool artists will come together at MicaMoca to draw and visualize at this great venue in different ways!…



    PLAYGROUND BERLIN WEEKEND Established in 2009, Playground Berlin is a international collective dedicated to independent art collaboration and presentation. Blurring generational, national, cultural and sexual boundaries, Playground Berlin’s projects offer a delirious convergence of visual art, music, mixed media installations and performances. Curatorial Concept: An international selection of artists has been invited to conceive site…

  • Cevanne, singing in the bath

    Cevanne, singing in the bath

    From MicaMoca’s bath come acoustic and electronic songs from Cevanne’s Big Ears album, and from her Armenian-Celtic heritage. Big Ears was inspired by the sounds Cevanne heard during her partial deafness as a child. A new ‘water music’ will be unveiled, exploring ritualistic relationships with water – from Italian washerwomen to Armenian fortune-tellers. She will…